How to Make Cold Brew Coffee: A Simple Guide

Cold brew coffee has become popular for those who enjoy a smooth, less acidic cup of joe.

Cold Brew Methods: Drip and immersion are the two main methods for making cold brew coffee. Drip brewers use a slow drip of cold water over coffee grounds, while immersion brewers, like the Toddy, soak grounds in cold water overnight before filtering.

Choosing Coffee: Use a coarser grind for cold brewing and select specific coffee origins. Natural or honey-processed coffees, such as Ethiopian or Brazilian, work well, while delicate Central American coffees are better suited for hot brewing.

Grinders and Filters: For cold brew, use a grinder capable of a coarse grind. If you don’t have one, ask for a coarse grind when buying pre-ground coffee. Filtered water is crucial for a clean brew; additional filtering may be needed to remove sediment.

Brew Ratios: You can make cold brew as a concentrate (1 part coffee to 5 parts water) or ready-to-drink (1 part coffee to 12-15 parts water). Concentrates are versatile but can be more expensive and intense, while ready-to-drink brews are lighter and less adaptable.

Brewing Instructions: Use a Toddy brewer with a 1:5 ratio for a concentrate and brew for 20-24 hours. For ready-to-drink cold brew with a drip method, use a 1:15 ratio, adjust the drip rate, and brew for 4-5 hours. Enjoy cold brew over ice or with milk, whichever you prefer.

If you’re curious about cold brew or want to make it yourself, here’s a straightforward guide to get you started.

A tall glass of cold brew coffee served over ice, with a splash of milk, and a jar of cold brew concentrate in the background, creating an inviting and refreshing coffee setup.


  • Coarsely ground coffee beans (1 cup)
  • Cold water (4 cups)


Mix Coffee Grounds with Water

Put coarsely ground coffee and cold water in a large jar or pitcher according to the ratio specified above. Stir a little to wet the grounds until they take the color of the water they are soaking in.

Steep the Coffee

Put a lid on the jar or place a small plate on top to prevent dust and insects from getting in. Allow the coffee to steep for approximately 12 hours. You can keep it at room temperature or store it in the refrigerator; the steeping time remains unchanged.

Strain the Coffee

After steeping, strain the coffee to remove the grounds. You can use a fine-mesh strainer, a cheesecloth, or a special cold-brew coffee maker with a built-in filter. Pour the coffee through the sieve into a clean jar or pitcher.

Dilute and Serve

Cold-brew coffee is often strong, so you may choose to add water, milk, or a milk substitute when serving it. Start with a base ratio of 1 part cold-brew concentrate to 1 part water or milk, and adjust it according to your preference. It is best served over a glass of ice for that cool ‘ole feel.’

Store the Cold Brew

Keep your cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If you made a large batch, consider transferring it to smaller containers to keep it fresh.

If you also wanna learn how to make Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew Recipe: A Starbucks-Inspired Treat click here


What’s the difference between cold brew and iced coffee?

Cold brew steeps coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, producing a smoother and less acidic flavor. In contrast, iced coffee brews hot and then chills, which can result in a bitter taste.

Can I use any type of coffee for cold brew?

You can use any coffee beans, but medium to dark roasts deliver a richer flavor. Make sure to grind the beans coarsely to avoid a gritty texture.

How long can I store cold brew coffee?

You can store cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. To maintain freshness, keep it in an airtight container.

How do I adjust the strength of my cold brew?

If your cold brew is too strong, dilute it with more water or milk. If it’s too weak, use less water or milk when serving next time.

Can I use cold brew concentrate for other recipes?

Absolutely! Cold brew concentrate can be used in various recipes, such as coffee cocktails and ice cream, or as a base for coffee-flavored desserts.


Making cold brew coffee at home is easy and allows you to enjoy a refreshing coffee drink anytime. With just a few simple steps, you can prepare a batch of cold brews perfect for sipping on a hot day or mixing into your favorite coffee drinks. Enjoy your homemade cold brew!


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